Yoga Reduces Inflammation Markers in Cancer Patients, Cutting Risk of It Spreading or Returning

A 2023 study from University of Rochester medical researchers found that yoga has a powerful, positive effect on inflammation in cancer patients. The high-quality randomized control trial had 500 cancer patients do twice-weekly yoga or health education classes for a month. Blood tests showed that those practicing yoga had “significantly lower levels of pro-inflammatory markers” compared with patients in the education group. The researchers’ conclusion: “Clinicians…

Must-read of the wellness world (June 28th, 2023)

The science of what we eat is failing us– The New York Times, June 19, 2023    Harvard University medical researchers explain why the state of nutrition research is so poor, and how the problems afflict much of the research into dietary and lifestyle claims around things like coffee, wine, dark chocolate, fad diets, the amount you exercise—you name it. Medical researchers need to take advantage…

Last call to submit stories for “In Pursuit of Wellness” film series

Last call to submit stories for “In Pursuit of Wellness” film series    Last year, the Global Wellness Institute and BBC StoryWorks launched “In Pursuit of Wellness: The Art & Science of Living Well” to great acclaim. To date, the series has won four awards, generated a staggering 5 million views, 500,000 page visits to the series site on and over 4 million social engagements. The…

Must-reads from the Wellness World (May 31st, 2023)

Celebrities are talking openly about menopause. Why won’t the healthcare industry?Social media is fueling enthusiasm for new weight loss drugs. Are regulators watching?– Salon, May 21, 2023   The public discourse around menopause has dramatically improved, thanks partly to outspoken celebrities helping to change the paradigm. But all women desperately need more healthcare resources for menopause: affordable, effective, and widely available therapies and educational resources. We…

TCM Herb, Astragalus, Protects Heart Attack Patients Better Than Current Drugs

A new study from Newcastle University-UK found that heart attack patients treated with a compound derived from a plant long used in traditional Chinese medicine, astragalus, experienced significantly reduced inflammation (up to 62%, and 30% more than with traditional anti-inflammatory medications.) Patients also experienced less chest and joint pains. Unlike current post-heart-attack treatments, the herbal treatment not only did not compromise patients’ immune systems, it actually…