The Role of Wellness, Immunity & Inflammation in Fighting COVID-19

An important new article in the New York Times argues that we aren’t paying serious enough attention to two factors critically important to the risk of developing a COVID-19 infection and its potential severity: immunity and inflammation. Just because older people are especially vulnerable doesn’t mean nothing can be done to slow or sometimes even reverse immunological decline to enhance resistance to this deadly disease.…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of June 2, 2020)

Making the Best of a Post-Pandemic World – Project Syndicate, May 12, 2020 In the coming post-Coronavirus years, the global economy will be shaped by three trends: (1) The relationship between markets and the state will be rebalanced in favor of the latter; (2) this will be accompanied by a rebalancing between hyper-globalization and national autonomy, also in favor of the latter; and (3) our…

Tune in to the Never Alone Global Mental Health Summit May 22–24

The GWI is happy to be partnering with the Never Alone Global Mental Health Summit, a free online event from May 22–24. Join Deepak Chopra, Arianna Huffington, Mariel Hemingway, Zak Williams, and dozens more for straight talk on how you can boost your mental health and emotional resilience in these times of crisis. Victor and Lynne Brick, GWI Ambassadors, are co-creating the event with the…

Wellness Evidence Study: Yoga Is a Migraine Fighter

A new study from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences compared standard medication to medication plus a two-month yoga program for migraine sufferers. They found that the yoga group had fewer migraines, fewer headaches overall, and consumed fewer pills—even though their headache frequency was higher at the study’s start. This is important because migraine medications only work for about half of the patients. ACCESS…

Q&A with Cathy Chon: What’s the Future of Wellness? Travel?

The GWI just released a “Wellness in the Age of COVID-19” Q&A with Cathy Chon, founder and managing director of CatchOn – a Finn Partners company. Chon is recognized for her provocative insights on travel, hospitality, wellness and the Asian consumer. Chon discusses… How the pandemic is a pivotal time for the wellness world, which is poised to take a much bigger seat at the…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of May 19, 2020)

The future of travel – New York Times, May 2020 A series of articles that answer 14 pressing questions around how travel will change after the pandemic. Experts from across the tourism industry—from academics to tour operators—answer the following questions and more: Will people gravitate to nature? Is the green wave over? Is cleaning the new “it” amenity? Where will travelers go first? The rise…