People Don’t Care if Their Clothes Are New Anymore Quartzy, June 28, 2019
Investors: Pay attention! Overall, the idea of “ownership”—clothes, cars, art—is not what it used to be, and, in today’s economy, pre-owned goods are a booming business on the cusp of even more explosive growth. This is shown in particular by the performance of RealReal, a secondhand luxury fashion retailer whose shares just started trading on Nasdaq. Economic, sustainability and ethical concerns suggest that this “well fashion” trend will endure.

Tree Planting “Has Mind-Blowing Potential” to Tackle Climate Crisis The Guardian, July 4, 2019
Recent research finds that planting billions of trees across the world is, by far, the biggest and cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. Scientists behind it estimate that a worldwide planting program could remove two-thirds of all the emissions that have been pumped into the atmosphere by human activities. This figure is mind-blowing and suggests that tree restoration will soon become a priority for governments and investors alike.

Should We All Take the Slow Road to Love? The New York Times, July 2, 2019
Data shows that millennials are going on fewer dates, having less sex, and marrying later than previous generations. The founding editor of Well ponders whether they know something about love that the rest of us don’t. The article is largely based on the research of what the biological anthropologist Helen Fisher calls “slow love.” She argues that instead of criticizing and judging millennials, we should be paying more attention because it’s possible that today’s singles are carving a more successful path to lasting love than previous generations. Read on!

The Power of One Push-Up The Atlantic, June 27, 2019
Several simple ways of measuring a person’s health might matter more than body weight.

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise The New York Times, July 3, 2019
Most of us eat more when we exercise, and, though it may be just a few extra bites a day, the result is weight gain.

A Striking Stat:
Seventy-two percent of people say they would pay more to rent or buy a home/apartment if it’s near their favorite gym. The researchers noted gyms are now a key driver in home-buying decisions.

Source: Colliers International,Meet Me at the Bar: A Review of the UK Health and Fitness Market 2019”—survey of 3,000 people in the UK