How What You Eat May Affect Your Brain SizeTime Health, May 16, 2018
A new study published in Neurology suggests that people who eat healthy diets may have larger brain volumes.

Taking a Break is Part of Your Job Quartz, May 16, 2018
Academic research supports the critical importance of recovery. But corporate work cultures around the world continue to celebrate unrelenting effort with diminishing returns. Instead, we should think of non-work time as not only something that makes us better at our jobs—but as part of our jobs.

There’s Something About YogurtThe Atlantic, May 24, 2018
Several new studies suggest yogurt might reduce inflammation—a process linked to different types of diseases.

Video: The Purest Picture: SpaJ. Walter Thompson Amsterdam, May 2018
Spa is a small town near a nature reserve in the Belgian Ardennes—home to Spa mineral water, which claims to be the world’s purest water. J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam set out to prove how pure Spa water is by challenging a top Dutch photographer to take a photo through a drop of Spa. The result: a series of photographic portraits taken with the simplest materials, such as water, a mirror and an electrical current. Beautiful.


A Striking Stat:

The world’s 7.6 billion people represent just 0.01 percent of all living things, but humans have destroyed 83 percent of wild mammals and 50 percent of plants since the dawn of civilization.

Source: Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, 5/2018
Learn more about this eye-opening new study