About the Global Wellness Institute

Empowering Wellness Worldwide

The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to empower wellness worldwide by educating public and private sectors about preventative health and wellness. GWI’s research, programs and initiatives have been instrumental in the growth of the multitrillion wellness economy—and in uniting health and wellness industries. Through its five pillars— Research, InitiativesGeography of Wellness, Wellness Evidence and The Wellness Moonshot—the GWI informs and connects key stakeholders capable of impacting the overall wellbeing of our planet and its citizens. The GWI makes all of its valuable information and resources available at no cost, which allows anyone, anywhere, access. [Keep Reading…]


A 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization with a mission to empower wellness worldwide by educating public and private sectors about preventative health and wellness.


To empower wellness worldwide by facilitating collaboration, providing global research and insight, triggering innovation, and advocating for growth and sustainability.


To be recognized as the global wellness authority and resource for businesses and organizations dedicated to ensuring optimal wellbeing for our planet’s citizens.


Researchers, journalists, academia and industry leaders look to the GWI as the leading global resource for wellness industry research. The GWI initiates, analyzes, and trumpets authoritative wellness industry research. We believe that accurate and in-depth research and data on the wellness economy—and its 11 sectors—are the foundation of the Institute’s goal to empower wellness worldwide. All research is available at no cost thanks to our generous sponsors.



The Geography of Wellness is a groundbreaking initiative focusing on providing robust wellness market data for select countries around the world. Each country’s wellness economy data is presented on a dedicated country webpage, as well as in a detailed Wellness Economy Country Report, which shows the trajectory of the wellness economy, the composition of the country’s wellness economy, and other exclusive data by sector and subsector.



A wide range of important industry Initiatives, supported by the GWI and led by Initiative Chairs who are renowned thought-leaders in their field, have been instrumental in powering the growth of the multi-trillion-dollar global wellness economy and uniting the health and wellness industries.



Wellness Evidence is the first portal designed to help you find authoritative studies that show the medical evidence for various wellness modalities. By providing access to thousands of clinical studies evaluating the effectiveness of approaches from chiropractic to weight loss, Wellness Evidence makes it easier for the millions of people seeking alternative health solutions to research and evaluate wellness alternatives at the most authoritative sources of evidence-based medicine.


The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease was created to be a powerful, collaborative force to educate people about prevention and inspire them to take control of their health. Prevention is no longer optional to global wellness—it is mission-critical. Lifestyle-related diseases and the continuously skyrocketing cost of healthcare are creating a global crisis that is affecting us both physically and mentally.