Dying Well Initiative 2021 Trends TREND 1: Discussing Grief in the Workplace Employers will, for the first time, recognize that open conversations, benefits, and policy changes are not only important but critical to “returning to work.” https://fortune.com/2020/09/27/covid-grief-at-work-business-coronavirus-mental-health/ TREND 2: The Use of Psychedelics During End-of-Life Care Studies are continually being conducted on how psychedelics can ease anxiety, depression, and other emotions associated with a terminal diagnosis.…
Digital Wellness Initiative Trends for 2021
Digital Wellness Initiative 2021 Trends TREND 1: Mobile Mental Health Support Along with other fields in healthcare, technology has helped revolutionize mental health support and data collection. This mobile mental health support helps users find solutions, share their experiences, consult with professionals, and perform psychologically calming activities.[i] According to the American Psychological Association, the number of mental health-related self-applications is currently between 10,000 and 20,000.…
2021 Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends
Yoga Therapy Initiative 2021 Trends TREND 1: EMERGENCE OF YOGA THERAPY AS HOLISTIC AND HEALING WELLNESS MODALITY The global crisis, along with the necessity for individuals to sustain their physical and mental wellbeing, has driven increased recognition of the health benefits of yoga. Yoga is at the forefront of the new wellness surge and is rising in popularity and positioning in the public consciousness. As…
Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends for 2022
Yoga Therapy Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: Yoga Industry Continues Exponential Growth Over the past decade—and most especially, the past two years—there has been an explosion in the growth of yoga, driven by the changing needs of individuals of all ages living in a sedentary and often socially isolated world. Widespread popularity and growing public mindshare have helped accelerate yoga’s growth trajectory in recent years…

What Are the Big Trends in Wellness Real Estate and Communities?
What Are the Big Trends in Wellness Real Estate and Communities? It’s on the agenda at the GWI’s Wellness Real Estate & Communities Symposium By Beth McGroarty, VP Research & Forecasting We all know—personally, intuitively, and from reports from analysts and researchers—that the pandemic completely transformed the concept, function and value of the home. It became our “everything” (from where we work to workout), and…

GWS Releases In-Depth Trends Report, “The Future of Wellness 2021”
The Global Wellness Summit yesterday released its top nine wellness trends for 2021. The 97-page report was authored by wellness industry thought leaders, researchers and trend spotters, and the trends represent the new directions that the GWS feels will have the most meaningful impact on the multitrillion global wellness industry. Forecasting trends in the fast-evolving wellness space is daunting every year. In 2020, we experienced…