First 1000 Days Initiative Trends for 2022

First 1000 Days Initiative 2022 Trends TREND: Conception Wellness 2.0 While in last year’s trend we talked about Conception Wellness, it’s time to update you on what has moved on, improved, and is new. In fact, this area has become a major focus of public health interest—as an opportunity in a “period” of human development for intervention to improve long-term population health outcomes. We are…

Digital Wellness Initiative Trends for 2022

Digital Wellness Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: This Year Social Media Users Want Real Life Connection It’s no secret that the lives we see documented on social media are not really the lives that people are living. More often than not, whether it is a picture posted on Instagram, or a status update on Facebook, all we are seeing is a snapshot of a person’s…

Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends for 2022

Yoga Therapy Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: Yoga Industry Continues Exponential Growth Over the past decade—and most especially, the past two years—there has been an explosion in the growth of yoga, driven by the changing needs of individuals of all ages living in a sedentary and often socially isolated world. Widespread popularity and growing public mindshare have helped accelerate yoga’s growth trajectory in recent years…

Digital Wellness Initiative 2022 Trends

Digital Wellness Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: This Year Social Media Users Want Real Life Connection It’s no secret that the lives we see documented on social media are not really the lives that people are living. More often than not, whether it is a picture posted on Instagram, or a status update on Facebook, all we are seeing is a snapshot of a person’s…

Aesthetic Health Initiative Trends for 2022

Aesthetic Health Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: Defining the Arts & Sciences of Aesthetic Health Paints a Picture of Overall Wellness The definition of “Aesthetic Health” includes the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of wellness and wellbeing. Just as the word influences how we feel so does the word influence of how we feel about the way we look. That however is only one perspective,…

Supporting UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Initiative Trends

Supporting UN 17 SDG’S Initiative 2022 Trends Trend 1: Business is stepping up its action for supporting SDGs Trend 2: Investment into projects with SDG awareness as a priority Trend 3: SDGs help business and individuals to understand that sustainability is more than plastic recycling and climate change Trend 4: The sprouting of regenerative micro communities READ MORE