Wellness Practitioners Take Stand Against Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theories Brewing in Industry

Wellness Practitioners Take Stand Against Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theories Brewing in Industry By Thierry Malleret, economist  It’s been well documented that anti-vax conspiracy theories are infiltrating some corners of the wellness ‘family’–particularly in the yoga and alternative medicine communities (in the US, of course, much of the disinformation is coming from QAnon). This is becoming so pervasive that some wellness and yoga practitioners are now taking…

Industry Research – The Number of Wellness-Certified Buildings Explodes

The Number of Wellness-Certified Buildings Explodes   One clear indication of the extraordinary rise of wellness real estate is the number of projects earning wellness building certifications in recent years. The GWI’s new report, Wellness Real Estate: Looking Beyond COVID-19, finds that the total number of wellness-certified building projects from the two big players, The Well Building Standard (WELL) and Fitwel, have grown ninefold in the last three years. As of August 2021, there were…


Want to add healthy years to your life? Here’s what new longevity research says–Washington Post, October 4, 2021 Recent research points to interventions in diet, exercise and mental outlook that could slow down aging and age-related diseases without risky bio–hacks such as unproven gene therapies. According to a biochemist who runs the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, a multidisciplinary approach involving these…

In Memoriam: Dr. Danny Friedland

In memory of Dr. Danny Friedland, more than a friend to the Global Wellness Summit and the Global Wellness Institute. Everyone at our organizations is in deep mourning today for the loss of such a passionate, brilliant, extraordinarily kind person—and a true pioneer among doctors for his vision of incorporating wellness into healthcare. Danny was a key contributor to both our organizations and the expert…

The Contagious Power of Giving | 2021 November Moonshot

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” —Anne Frank In your pursuit as a wellness leader to create a world free of preventable disease, you have a resource at your disposal that’s easily accessible, abundant, and free: the contagious power of giving. GIVING IS A BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL-SPIRITUAL ACT Faiths have long taught that giving—without expecting anything in return—is vital to a life of wholeness, as…

November 2021 | Give

Curated by Renee Moorefield, CEO of Wisdom Works Group and member of the Advisory Board for the Global Wellness Institute “No one has ever become poor by giving.” —Anne Frank In your pursuit as a wellness leader to create a world free of preventable disease, you have a resource at your disposal that’s easily accessible, abundant, and free: the contagious power of giving. GIVING IS A…