Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of July 18, 2017)

“The Future Is Emotional”AEON, June 24, 2017

Across the economy, technology is edging human workers into more emotional territory, meaning that many of the most important jobs of the future will require soft skills or “emotional labor”, currently undervalued and underpaid, but invaluable. A growing real-world demand for workers with empathy and a talent for making other people feel at ease requires a serious shift in perspective. It means moving away from our singular focus on academic performance as the only road to success.

A Bad Diet Hurts Thinking and Memory 

We know how the Western diet, high in saturated fats and sugars, hurts the body. But evidence is mounting that a bad diet causes brain changes, hurting memory and cognitive capabilities…Just one more reason that governments will step up the war against obesity.

Americans Don’t Take Vacation to Impress Bosses

The majority of Americans don’t take their allotted vacation days, which, studies show, takes a huge toll on productivity. When surveyed, 36% say they skipped vacation to impress their bosses with their dedication. This is not a healthy work culture…