Video: Introducing the “Wellness Moonshot”

At the recent Global Wellness Summit, the GWI announced a “Wellness Moonshot,” or a global call to pool knowledge, access and funding to achieve a world free of preventable disease. Watch GWI chairman and CEO, Susie Ellis, and Dr. Richard Carmona, former Surgeon General of the United States, explain the urgency of this new mission – with luminaries like Drs. Mehmet Oz, Andrew Weil and Michael Roizen providing insight on what most needs to be tackled in a world where 70 percent of deaths are preventable.

A New Sign of China’s Growing Power in Travel & Tourism

China’s new power and assertiveness is apparent throughout the travel and tourism industry. The country just launched a new world tourism organization called the World Tourism Alliance (WTA), designed to compete heads-on with similar organizations like the UNWTO and the WTTC.Read about how – whether it’s in the field of global finance or tourism – China no longer wants to be dependent on decisions made by others.

Medical Tourism to Rise Substantially in Coming Years

A prediction: The endless increase in healthcare costs means medical tourism will skyrocket in coming years. Read about how (and why) Central and Eastern Europe are currently big winners with this trend, and just how fast outbound Chinese medical tourism is growing!

Study: Lack of Sleep Creates “Sleepy” Brain Cells

A new study (UCLA, Tel Aviv Univ., etc.) indicates that when people don’t get enough sleep, their brain cells quite literally slow down. Researchers found sleep deprivation means that the bursts of electrical activity that brain cells use to communicate become slower and weaker, which can lead to mental lapses that affect not only perception but also memory.