Research: The U.S. Takes a Happiness Dive

Studies consistently show that happiness has an independent and powerful impact on physical health. So, with the GWI recently launching the Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease, the organization traveled to the United Nations in NYC on March 20, to get the latest insights from the annual World Happiness Report. A couple key findings: if you’re seeking happiness, you might want to emigrate to a Nordic nation – and the U.S. has taken an “alarming” recent dive in happiness.

Study: Key to Healthy Weight Is Eating Regularly – And No Dieting!

A new, large study from the University of Helsinki, analyzing young men and women who succeeded in managing their weight over ten years, found that trying to prevent weight gain by dieting and skipping meals actually accelerated getting fatter. The study found that eating regular and sufficient meals, refraining from dieting, and finding a more general sense of meaning in life were the key to long-term successful weight management.


Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of March 27, 2018)

“The Workplace Is Killing People and Nobody Cares”Insights by Stanford Business, March 15, 2018

This is an interview with Jeffrey Pfeffer, the author of “Dying for a Paycheck”: a new book that examines the massive health care toll that today’s work culture exacts on employees. Pfeffer argues that the current work culture is harming both company performance and individual wellbeing. Job engagement is low; distrust in management high; and job satisfaction in continual decline. His book focuses on the U.S., but the problem is global.

When it Comes to Wellness Policies, Europe Comes First

New studies, including the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) Better Life Index and 2018 Environmental Performance Index, show that when it comes wellness – and government, workplace and environmental policy – European nations are often way out in front.