Unstoppable Trend: Sugar Taxes and Healthier Drinks

A must-watch global wellness issue: the continued march of sugar taxes. The UK sugar tax came into effect last Friday (April 6). It will be levied on manufacturers of soft drinks: those that contain 5 grams of sugar per 100 ml will pay 18p a litre as a opposed to 24p a litre for those that have more than 8 grams of sugar per 100 ml.

New Report: Wellness in the Age of the Smartphone

The GWI’s Digital Wellness Initiative just released a new research paper: Wellness in the Age of the Smartphone. The authors, leaders from medicine, hospitality, economics and technology, examine the mounting research on how technology is negatively impacting sleep, obesity, mental health, relationships, safety and productivity. Smartphones may only be a decade old, but their increasingly profound impact on human life and culture, they argue, needs to be a greater research and policy focus. They suggest ways forward…