As Wellness Expands, Where Does It End? “Pet Wellness”?

MONTHLY BAROMETER It is often said that technology destroys jobs but not work. True indeed. But many new jobs are being created beyond tech. “Pet wellness”—a fast-growing business—is one such example. Although why some of us (in increasing numbers) treat our animals as if they were humans is not easy to explain, the investment case of anthropomorphism is incontrovertible. This year, pet spending in the…

Yoga and Meditation Surging with American Adults…and Kids

A new report from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal that the number of Americans practicing yoga and meditation is booming. Fifty percent more adults are doing yoga now than in 2012 while meditators have grown over 300 percent. The surprise: These gains pale in comparison with the increases among kids and teens. The study…

Trend Watch: Speed at Which Big Tech Is Entering the Beauty Space

By Thierry Malleret, economist The Big Tech companies, such as Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook, are now using data and augmented reality to enter the retail beauty market, aiming to disrupt the bricks-and-mortar stores that currently dominate this massive industry. What’s happening? Amazon already owns 20 percent of the online retail beauty market but is aiming to expand further with the recent launch of a line…

Eco-Anxiety: The Rising Psychological Toll of Climate Change

MONTHLY BAROMETER The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on the current state of climate makes for grim reading. Its overarching conclusion is that every fraction of a degree of warming matters; and that if we want to limit global warming to 1.5˚ C (2.7˚ F) in the hope of averting catastrophe, we have as little as 12 years to act, which requires…

Study: Sleep, Exercise and Limits on Screen Time Boost Kids’ Brainpower

A new study from Canada’s Healthy Active Living & Obesity Research Group found that 9–11 hours of sleep a night, one hour of exercise, and a limit of fewer than two hours a day of recreational time in front of screens were associated with significantly higher mental test scores for children (from memory to language skills to the ability to plan). READ THE STUDY

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of November 19, 2018)

  Why Is CBD Everywhere? – The New York Times, October 27, 2018 Cannabidiol (or CBD) is being touted as a magical elixir, now popping up in everything from bath bombs to dog treats to pharmaceuticals. It’s impossible to overstate the speed at which CBD has moved from the margins to the cultural center. Is it just a fix for our anxious times? Do people…