Wellness Evidence Study: Ultra-Processed Foods Link to Heart Disease and Early Death

Two new European studies agree that ultra-processed foods are very bad for your health—and not just junk food, but breads, jarred sauces and frozen meals that are staples for many. A French study (tracking 100,000 adults) found that people who ate the most packaged foods were 23 percent more likely to suffer cardiovascular trouble. A Spanish study (20,000 adults) found that those with the highest…

In Our Age of Digital Surveillance Privacy Will Increasingly Become a Wellness Issue

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION The age of digital authoritarianism and the reign of techno-autocrats are upon us. China is leading the way with their new “Social Ranking” Initiative, tracking people’s behavior (such as their health/fitness) and rewarding and punishing with things such as access to healthcare or government services. But eventually all countries will follow suit with different degrees of intensity: If (or when)…

Asia: The Future of Wellness Tourism

The International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM) took place in Singapore last week, and strategic consultancy CatchOn (in collaboration with the conference) released a very insightful new report, Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism. It analyzes why Asia is at the heart of the wellness boom and what the biggest wellness travel trends are in the region. It also identifies three key consumer archetypes driving…

June | Eat

Healthy eating is an essential ingredient in the recipe to achieve The Wellness MoonshotTM: A World Free of Preventable Disease. It also fuels a more productive workforce and well lives. Use these ideas about eating during June and beyond to foster vitality and wellbeing for your coworkers, your family and yourself. “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” English proverb It’s sobering:…

Wellness Evidence Study: Exercise Makes People Happier than Money

According to a new study from Oxford and Yale (data from 1.2 million people), exercise is more important to mental health than having money. People who exercise regularly feel “bad” for 35 days a year, while non-exercisers feel “bad” an additional 18 days. Physically active people feel just as good as those who don’t exercise but who earn $25,000 more a year. Three to five…

First Research on Global Physical Activity Sector to Be Released at GWS

The GWI’s 2019 research report will be the first devoted to the global physical activity sector—and will be released at the 2019 Global Wellness Summit, October 15–17, at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. Conference attendees will have first access to analysis of this fast-growing market that spans gyms and health clubs; personal training; yoga, Pilates, tai chi, martial arts, and other mind-body practices; fitness clothing and…