More than a billion people worldwide are obese

More than a billion people worldwide are obese, WHO study finds More than a billion people globally are now considered obese, a condition linked to an increased risk of numerous serious health problems, according to updated estimates from the World Health Organization and an international group of researchers.   Read More Must-reads from the Wellness World

Silence of the natural world signals a biodiversity crisis

Silence of the natural world signals a biodiversity crisis Studies reveal that natural soundscapes are diminishing due to loss of species and ecosystem degradation.Phoebe Weston reports for The Guardian.In short: Ecoacoustics research indicates a global reduction in the natural sounds of ecosystems due to declining species diversity and abundance.Declines…   Read More Must-reads from the Wellness World

Study: Women Who Do Strength Training Live Significantly Longer

Study: Women Who Do Strength Training Live Significantly Longer  A new study from Cedars–Sinai and other global researchers (using data from 400,000 people) evaluated the differences in the effects of exercise between men and women. It found that women who do strength training exercises two to three days a week are more likely to live longer and have a 30% lower risk of death from…

Obesity’s Impact on Economic Growth and Productivity

Obesity’s Impact on Economic Growth and Productivity By Thierry Malleret, economist Obesity’s impact on people’s health and wellbeing is well known, but its impact on economic growth and prosperity is less understood. Appositely, new research suggests that a strong positive correlation exists between obesity and economic inactivity, as well as negative correlation between obesity and productivity. In the UK (where obesity is estimated to cost…

Research in Action: GWI Shared Wellness Real Estate Insights at the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Spring Meeting

Research in Action: GWI Shared Wellness Real Estate Insights at the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Spring Meeting  At the full-day event, we introduced the concept of holistic wellness, the wellness economy (our favorite, the bubble chart!), and the size and opportunities for wellness real estate, focusing on the residential market. We discussed the growing importance and consumer interest in these products, and shared the framework…