Beauty2Wellness: Mitigating Barriers and Building Bridges

Beauty2Wellness: Mitigating Barriers and Building Bridges Research Abstract Beauty animates much of our lives: we make aesthetic decisions constantly, based on how we want to appear, who we wish to spend time with, etc. But while we know something about the biology and psychological effects of facial beauty, we know virtually nothing about beauty’s relationship to wellness. This two-part research project will be the first to…

Africa Wellness Initiative Trends for 2022

Africa Wellness Initiative 2022 Trends Africa: The Next Frontier for Innovations As the world continues to navigate post-pandemic and through other emerging global challenges, Africa has shown great resilience and with that has come great innovations that have an impact on many aspects of humanity (socially, health wise or environmentally). Through the TLC African wellness stories, I had the opportunity to interview some phenomenal institutions…