Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of February 25, 2019)

Trouble with Decluttering? Being Dependent on Stuff is Part of Being Human, Stanford Scholar Says – Stanford News, February 5, 2019 At the heart of humanity’s history is a dependency on objects and things. Preparing for a Good End of Life – The Wall Street Journal, February 8, 2019 The best way to achieve a peaceful death is by planning ahead and enlisting the help…

Celery Juice: A Wellness Fad Born of Promotion by One Person on Social Media

Today’s major issues manifest that we live in a world of “ontological” uncertainty. Nobody can predict (let alone know!) how Brexit will unfold; whether the US-China trade war will escalate or not; if the Yellow Jackets movement will fade away; whether climate change will accelerate beyond our wildest fears… It is startling (but not infrequent) to hear decision makers and experts directly involved in such…

Does Wellness Tracking Improve Our Wellbeing? Data Privacy Looms as Huge Issue

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION In The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Shoshana Zuboff makes the case that customers are being reinvented as data sources. This produces anti-democratic asymmetries of knowledge that in turn transform our economies and societies. Her argument will gain traction in 2019, exacerbating the tech backlash and putting the issue of privacy firmly at the core of new laws, regulation and collective…

New Zealand Launches World’s First “Wellbeing Budget”

More and more, wellbeing public policies are being advocated to mitigate the serious risks we collectively face, from social inequalities to climate change. In Davos this year, Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, made this point very vividly when she announced that her government would present in May the world’s very first “wellbeing budget”—a concept originated by the OECD and the IMF that urges countries…

Why Do Unhealthy Behaviors Remain So Prevalent?

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION During the year, the debate has been raging between those who see the world’s glass as half full versus those who see it as half empty. The optimists, trying to promote a fact-based worldview, are right: Almost all the indicators confirm that the world is “better” than it’s ever been and certainly not nearly as dangerous as we think/feel. If…

February | Heart

There is a richness in experiencing a well heart. It’s easy to think of the heart as only a muscular organ that circulates blood throughout the human body. But the heart is so much more. When we live and work with a fullness of heart, we bring our whole selves to people and situations. Our creativity blossoms with unlimited possibilities. We help others wholeheartedly and…