The Future Is Social, Multigenerational – Not “Gated” – Communities

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION For all the talk about technology and how it risks making our lives lonelier, there are also many initiatives that focus on measures and policies susceptible to creating a more connected and friendly community life. Psychologists and social scientists contend that three conditions are necessary to form close bonds and real friendships: (1) proximity, (2) repeated unplanned interactions, and (3)…

September | Sleep

“Since we spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping, we need to provide people with passive interventions that help improve quality sleep, along with health, happiness, productivity and overall wellbeing.” – Paul Scialla, CEO and founder, Delos Sleep is a biological necessity, part of the regenerative life support system that enables us to function, grow and thrive. Yet, across the planet, we are increasingly sleep-deprived,…

The “Trillion-Dollar Taboo”: The Mental Health Crisis at Work

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION Nobody quite knows why the 21st-century workplace seems to be so conducive to overwork, burnout and depression, but the global issue of mental health at work is reaching such proportions that it’s now dubbed the “trillion-dollar taboo.” Is it the high-pressure culture of today’s marketplace? The prevailing social norms that make it shameful to show vulnerability? The “always-on” digital culture?…

More Rich People Calling for Wealth Taxes

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION In this lower growth, uncertain and ever-more unequal world, an issue is gaining prominence: that of a wealth tax. For instance, a group of American billionaires has just been calling publicly for a “wealth tax,” and our own little survey at the Wellness Barometer (very limited and hence with no real scientific validity) shows that ultra-high-net-worth families are surprisingly receptive…

Chinese Tourism to US is Plunging – Will Impact Wellness

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION Remember “Chimerica”—the notion that China and the US were so intertwined that they would end up forming just one entity? The assumption that the world they created was our inevitable future became so entrenched in the minds of most decision-makers that it became one of the central tenets of the investment world… until it ceased to be. Irrespective of how…

Trend: Is At-Home Fitness Squeezing Gyms & Studios?

Talking about adaptability and ever-changing business conditions, there is one trend to watch: the way in which the “at-home” fitness revolution is about to squeeze traditional gyms and even upmarket studios. One warning signal: Last year, SoulCycle (upmarket: It charges more than $20 per hour) withdrew its application to launch an IPO, citing market conditions. It hasn’t reinstated it yet, despite many wellness businesses successfully…