GWI Initiatives Are Instrumental in Empowering Wellness Worldwide

GWI Initiatives Are Instrumental in Empowering Wellness Worldwide The nonprofit Global Wellness Institute (GWI) supports a wide range of important industry initiatives that further the growth of the various sectors of the wellness economy. Led by Initiative Chairs who are renowned thought-leaders in their field, GWI Initiatives have been instrumental in powering the growth of the multi-trillion-dollar wellness economy and uniting the health and wellness…

Sound Therapy

Sound Wellness Initiative – Sound Therapy Sound Therapy Training in Abu Dhabi The training took place at The Abu Dhabi EDITION, an Ian Schrager hotel (which falls under Marriott), the therapists come from Mexico, Italy, Myanmar, Indonesia and Philippines. We had a full 3 days of training in the History of Sound Therapy, using ancient wisdom along with scientific side by educating the therapists on…

Sound Healing

Sound Wellness Initiative – Sound Healing Sound Healing Concerts in France, by Matthew Kocel Sound Healing Concerts – YouTube Matthew Kocel, is traveling around the world offering sound healing concerts and educational events. Recognized as an emerging leader in the world sound healing movement, Matthew is a throat singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer and recording artist with over 3 decades experience as a performer and multi-disciplinary healing…


Sound Wellness Initiative – Songs Songwriter Monte Selby Creating Songs With Children, Families and Seniors Songwriter and recording artist Monte Selby has written over 200 published songs.  His songs are heard on network television, radio, stage productions, YouTube, and included on the 2012 Grammy Award winning Best Children’s Album.  Music Row magazine describes his songs as “a delightful variety” – “funky” – “astonishing” – “Wow”!  Selby’s performances include over one thousand venues across…


Sound Wellness Initiative Media A Coming COVID Catastrophe! – Before Its News Stanley Jordan – an interview on Sonic Healing – YouTube Sound Healing Initiative – YouTube With this FREQUENCY You will Manifest Anything in Your Life, by Dr. Bruce Lipton – YouTube Excerpt from Alive Inside, a documentary about the Music and Memory nonprofit project, a film by Michael Rossato-Bennett – YouTube My Brain on…

Sound Wellness Research

Sound Wellness Initiative Research 2019 Research Shows We Can Heal With Vibration, Frequency & Sound, Can Music Really Destroy Cancer Cells?, Vibroacoustic sound therapy improves pain management and more, 2017 Autism Symptoms Reversed Applying Sound Frequencies, Autism Solutions 2017 The Science of Curing Cancer and Other Diseases with Sound and Resonant Frequencies, Waking Times 2016 Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on…