Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of December 3, 2018)

From Gene Editing to AI – How Will Technology Transform Humanity? – The New York Times Magazine, November 18, 2018 The most fundamental questions…Will we engineer our children and ourselves? Will AI transform medicine? Will we know too much? Will we live longer and happier?…are addressed from a rich variety of perspectives. How Cities Can Fix Tourism Hell – TechCrunch, November 17, 2018 Cities are…

Study: Lifelong Exercisers Have Bodies “Thirty Years Younger”

A new study from Ball State University, testing the cardiovascular health and muscles of people in their 70s that exercised steadily for decades, found that the muscles of these men and women were indistinguishable in many ways from those of healthy 25-year-olds, with as many capillaries and enzymes. And these active septuagenarians essentially had the cardiovascular health of people 30 years younger. The researchers summarized…

New GWI Research: 5 Trends in Wellness Tourism

5 Trends in Wellness Tourism Wellness, hospitality, and travel businesses are converging. Since wellness tourism burst into mainstream consumer consciousness a few years ago, the industry has evolved rapidly. Businesses and governments are investing in developing new strategies, products, experiences, and destinations. Wellness, hospitality, and travel are converging in diverse and unprecedented ways, as businesses experiment with new partnerships and business models to offer expanded…

Yoga and Meditation Surging with American Adults…and Kids

A new report from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal that the number of Americans practicing yoga and meditation is booming. Fifty percent more adults are doing yoga now than in 2012 while meditators have grown over 300 percent. The surprise: These gains pale in comparison with the increases among kids and teens. The study…

Study: Sleep, Exercise and Limits on Screen Time Boost Kids’ Brainpower

A new study from Canada’s Healthy Active Living & Obesity Research Group found that 9–11 hours of sleep a night, one hour of exercise, and a limit of fewer than two hours a day of recreational time in front of screens were associated with significantly higher mental test scores for children (from memory to language skills to the ability to plan). READ THE STUDY

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of November 19, 2018)

  Why Is CBD Everywhere? – The New York Times, October 27, 2018 Cannabidiol (or CBD) is being touted as a magical elixir, now popping up in everything from bath bombs to dog treats to pharmaceuticals. It’s impossible to overstate the speed at which CBD has moved from the margins to the cultural center. Is it just a fix for our anxious times? Do people…